In "The Mysterious Key and What It Opened", Louisa May Alcott weaves a captivating tale of secrets, romance, and the allure of the unknown. The story...
The Moore House, a grand colonial dwelling with a dark history, stands as a chilling testament to past tragedies. Its walls whisper of sudden deaths a...
Set against the backdrop of a stormy night, "Entrapped" follows Zoe Blount's life as she navigates complex family ties and a compelling mystery. The s...
Mary Blyth finds herself in a precarious position after a robbery, attempted murder, and subsequent job loss. However, a glimmer of hope appears when...
The Corner House Girls are four orphaned sisters who inherit a dilapidated mansion from a reclusive uncle. The girls, ranging in age from eight to fo...
In 'Danger at the Drawbridge,' the spirited Penny Parker finds herself embroiled in a perplexing mystery when a groom vanishes just before his wedding...