The Republic is a foundational work of Western philosophy and political theory. Plato explores the nature of justice and the ideal state through a dia...
John Henry Mackay's "Die Anarchisten" is a philosophical exploration of the contrasting principles of individualistic anarchism and communism. The boo...
Spirit of the Laws is a seminal work of political theory that explores the relationship between government and society. Montesquieu argues that the be...
In "Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius", Niccolò Machiavelli analyzes the first ten books of Livy's history of Rome, extracting lessons on...
Niccolò Machiavelli's "Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius" is a seminal work of political theory that examines the rise and fall of the Ro...
Mother Earth was a groundbreaking anarchist journal founded in 1906 by Emma Goldman. This first volume, published in March 1906, features a collection...
HistoryPolitical ScienceNon-FictionEssaysReference work
Valentí Almirall's *Lo Catalanisme* is a foundational work of Catalan nationalism, first published in the late 19th century. The book explores the con...
Michel de Montaigne's Selected Essays is a collection of personal and philosophical essays that explore a wide range of topics, from the nature of kno...
This collection of five essays, published in 1893, explores various aspects of politics, government, and democracy in the United States. The essays de...