It is set in a future society where the government, led by the Party and its enigmatic leader Big Brother, controls every aspect of people's lives and...
G.K. Chesterton and James Walsh join Hilaire Belloc in an energetic rollout of the means by which history becomes propaganda, to the damage, not only...
A highly decorated United States Marine Corps major general. In this captivating and eye-opening work, Butler presents a compelling argument about the...
LibriVox volunteers bring you fifteen different readings of Mother Night, by James Weldon Johnson. This weekly poetry project (for the week of Feb 26...
Natives of the distant planet of Kwannon believe that their world is about to end, and in preparing for the apocalypse, may be unnecessarily bringing...
This historical manual, created by the United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during World War II, provides instructions for carrying out ac...
The Angels of Mons is a fictitious legend that emerged during World War I, claiming that angels intervened to protect British soldiers during the Batt...
This book is a compilation of pro-slavery literature and propaganda that was widely circulated in the Southern United States before the Civil War. It...
In a future society where technology has advanced to the point of manipulating emotions, the novel explores the ethical ramifications of controlling p...
The Making of a Bigot follows the journey of Eddy Oliver, a young Cambridge University student, as he encounters various personalities who exert signi...
Le Bon's *Psychology of Revolution* examines the psychological mechanisms behind revolutions and the role of crowds in driving social upheaval. He ana...
This collection of poems from the outset of the First World War sought to bolster the war effort and reinforce the determination of the British people...
In a future where societal stability is paramount, a reporter named Ben Reich probes the enigmatic 'Prog' building, the source of seemingly preordaine...
“Frailocracia Filipina” is a critical examination of the Spanish colonial regime in the Philippines, focusing on the excessive power and influence hel...
Parker Thomas Moon's Imperialism and World Politics provides a comprehensive overview of the motivations, justifications, and consequences of imperial...