This novel revolves around a successful middle-aged widower who returns to his hometown after years of absence. He seeks to reconnect with old friends...
Lines: We Meet Not As We Parted is a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley that explores the themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. The poem is written...
In P.G. Wodehouse's "The Prince and Betty," a wealthy American, Benjamin Scobell, plans to build a casino on the tranquil island of Mervo. His grand s...
Mary Marie, a young girl, navigates the emotional upheaval of her parents' divorce. She juggles two separate lives, grappling with the complexities of...
Set in the Edwardian era, 'Somehow Good' follows a mysterious man who loses his memory in a freak accident on the London Underground. He is found by S...
The story revolves around Tomokichi, a young boy who experiences the hardships of family separation and the emotional journey of reuniting with his lo...
A gripping tale of love, loss, and the secrets that can tear a family apart. When Sibyl learns that her long-lost love is alive after all, she must co...
This fictional autobiography chronicles the supposed experiences of Edwin Eastman, a pioneer who, along with his wife, is captured by the Comanche and...
Shakuntala, a Sanskrit play by Kalidasa, is a classic of Indian literature, known for its poetic language and moving story of love and fate. The play...