In this saga, the events that led to Eirik the Red's banishment to Greenland are chronicled, as well as Leif Eirikson's discovery of Vinland the Good...
The Völsunga saga is a 13th-century Icelandic prose epic that recounts the story of the legendary Völsung clan. It is a powerful and tragic tale of lo...
This Icelandic saga, set in the 9th century, tells the tragic tale of Gunnlaugr Ormstunga and Hrafn Önundarson, two poets and rivals for the hand of t...
The Saga of Erik the Red is a 13th-century Icelandic saga that chronicles the Norse exploration and settlement of Greenland and North America. It reco...
Heimskringla, meaning "The Circle of the World," is a collection of sagas about the Norwegian kings written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century. I...
The Frithiof Saga is a stirring tale of adventure, love, and heroism set in the rugged landscapes of Iceland. It tells the story of Frithiof, a brave...