Stephen Knight, a young man engaged against his will, travels to Algiers to visit his old friend Nevill. On the journey, he meets Victoria, a charming...
In 'Kathleen' by Christopher Morley, a group of eight Oxford undergraduates known as the Scorpions stumble upon a letter written by a woman named Kath...
In 'My Buried Treasure', a nameless narrator recounts a real-life expedition to uncover hidden riches. The narrative follows their journey through the...
David Raine, a man seeking to outrun his past, finds himself drawn to the untamed North by Father Rolland, a charismatic figure promising solace and s...
Schloß Dürande is a novel set in France on the eve of the French Revolution. The story centers on Renald, a young man who witnesses his sister Gabriel...
This collection of sonnets and songs by Arthur Upson reveals a poet deeply engaged in the pursuit of meaning and understanding of human existence. Ups...