Eric Brighteyes is an epic Viking novel set in 10th century Iceland. The story follows the adventures of Eric Thorgrimursson, a young man who falls in...
Red Nails is the final Conan story written by Robert E. Howard. It follows Conan's pursuit of the alluring and dangerous pirate Valeria after she kill...
Hindoo Tales or the Adventures of Ten Princes is a collection of ten stories, each narrated by a different young man. These stories are full of advent...
A collection of stories and accounts related to sorcery, witchcraft, and the supernatural from French folklore, compiled by the mysterious author Math...
Tedric is a powerful and resolute hero who rebels against the cruel demands of the god Sarpedion. In a far-future setting blending science fiction an...
This is the first volume of Dumas' Marie Antoinette Romances, also known as "The Memoirs of a Physician." It delves into the tumultuous period surroun...
This operetta follows the story of Alexis Pointdextre, a young man who seeks the help of his family sorcerer to create a love potion for his intended...