Coral Island is a classic adventure tale that follows three young castaways as they try to survive on a remote and dangerous island. The boys must lea...
In "Bid For Fortune; Or, Dr. Nikola's Vendetta", Guy Boothby introduces the enigmatic criminal mastermind Dr. Nikola, a figure whose occult practices...
Arthur Octavius Kitson's 'Life of Captain James Cook' is a comprehensive account of the renowned explorer's life and voyages. It details Cook's early...
In 'Rover Boys on Land and Sea,' the adventurous Rover brothers embark on a thrilling journey that takes them from the bustling streets of San Francis...
'Cruise of the Alerte' recounts the true story of Edward Frederick Knight, an English barrister, who embarked on a captivating voyage to the South Sea...
When the World Shook is a fictional memoir that follows Humphrey Arbuthnot and his companions on a voyage to the island of Orofena in the South Seas....