Set during World War I, "Pawns Count" by E. Phillips Oppenheim plunges into a world of international espionage and deadly intrigue. A brilliant chemis...
In "Submarine Boys and the Spies" by Victor G. Durham, a new submarine called the "Benson" is about to arrive in Spruce Beach, Florida, bringing excit...
Harry Fleming, an American Boy Scout, finds himself in England when his father's business takes him abroad. He joins a local Boy Scout troop and meets...
This novel follows Grace Harlowe's journey through post-war Germany as she travels to the Rhine. Despite the war's conclusion, she finds herself facin...
A novel in the Scarlet Pimpernel series that features Peter Blakeney, a descendant of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Peter's adventures take him to Hungary a...
Penny Parker and her father are on vacation with a mysterious woman when they become entangled in a hunt for foreign spies. The trio must use all thei...