This is an intriguing collection of folklore from the Santal Parganas, a district in India located about 150 miles from Calcutta. As its preface impli...
In writing her 'Drama of Exile', Barrett's subject was 'the new and strange experience of the fallen humanity, as it went forth from Paradise into the...
"Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio" or "Strange Tales of Liaozhai") is a collection of nearly five hundred mostly supernatural tales written by Pu S...
This adaptation of Shakespeare's *The Tempest* by John Dryden and William Davenant retains the core plot and characters, but expands upon them. Prospe...
Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio is a captivating collection of supernatural tales written by Pu Songling during the early Qing Dynasty. The stor...
Prepare to be captivated by a collection of haunting tales that will send shivers down your spine. The stories within these pages transport you to a r...
Set in the Zulu Kingdom of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Nada the Lily tells the story of love and revenge through the eyes of Mopo, a powerful witch-d...
This collection of Scottish ghost stories by Elliott O'Donnell explores the rich and chilling folklore of Scotland. The tales delve into the country's...