The play tells the story of Harriet, a young woman who runs away from home to escape an arranged marriage. She finds herself in the company of a group...
This book follows the journey of Grace Harlowe and her close-knit group of friends during their high school years. When a new student, Anne Pierson, a...
The book is a collection of five stories told by visitors to a hermit named Mopes. Each story deals with a different problem that the visitor has face...
Queechy is the story of Fleda Ringan, an eleven-year-old orphan who is sent to live with her wealthy aunt in Paris after a tragic incident. Fleda is a...
This book contains the New Testament book of Philippians written by the Apostle Paul, translated into the Reina-Valera Spanish version. It is a letter...
Sevenfold Trouble is a novel that explores the complex relationships between a group of people who are struggling to understand one another. The story...
William Wordsworth's "Ode to Duty" is a powerful poem that explores the nature of moral obligation. The speaker, addressing Duty as a personified forc...
An inspiring collection of poems that explores the multifaceted role of fathers and their enduring impact on the lives of their children. Guest's hear...
This book is intended for young Christian ministers in the Church of England, particularly those who have recently taken holy orders and are working a...