This collection of five short stories by Alan E. Nourse delves into the intersection of science, medicine, and the paranormal. Nourse explores futuri...
In a world where telepathy and teleportation are commonplace, FBI agent Kenneth Malone is tasked with investigating a series of disturbances that have...
Penal Cluster explores a future Earth where telepathy is considered a dangerous and uncontrollable power. Individuals exhibiting telepathic abilities...
Arqtiq is a strange and wonderful work of feminist utopian fiction. It is the story of Anna, an aviator who leads an expedition to the North Pole in a...
Space travel, telepathy, and heroism! Military school cadet George Hanlon is selected to join an elite, super-secret, secret service organization. He...
This collection of short stories, published in the February 1896 issue of *The Black Cat*, explores themes of the uncanny, the supernatural, and the u...
This book explores popular ghost occurrences from a skeptical point of view, providing explanations based on recent scientific research in the early 2...
Lorelei of the Red Mist is an exciting science fiction adventure novel by Ray Bradbury. Ray Starke, a small-time criminal on the run from the law, cra...