The Exploits of Elaine is a thrilling mystery novel that follows the story of Elaine, a young woman who enlists the help of a detective to find the mu...
In the annals of silent film, "The Master Mystery" stands as a pioneering effort by the legendary Harry Houdini, who sought to extend his fame beyond...
Caleb Williams follows the harrowing journey of Caleb, an intelligent but disadvantaged young man, as he is drawn into the employ of the enigmatic and...
Rick and Scotty embark on a perilous journey to the Himalayas to prevent nuclear materials from falling into the wrong hands. Amidst treacherous terra...
This is a collection of short mystery stories, written in very different styles by eight different authors. The stories are all well-written and suspe...
Dave Dashaway and His Giant Airship is a thrilling adventure novel that follows the daring young aviator and his friends as they embark on a hazardous...
The Rover Boys, Tom, Sam, and Dick, find themselves embroiled in another thrilling adventure in the rugged mountains. Their old nemesis, the cunning a...
Romance of California Life is a captivating collection of 37 short stories by renowned American writer John Habberton. First published in 1880, these...
Harper's Young People is an illustrated weekly publication for children that includes serialized and one-off short stories, tales from history, poetry...
Call Mr. Fortune is a captivating collection of short stories that introduces Reginald Fortune, a skilled physician who applies his diagnostic abiliti...