In this classic children's adventure, Bunny and Sue, siblings known for their lively spirit, find themselves on a family boating trip to Christmas Tre...
'The Christmas Tree' is a poem written for children, originally published in Alice Maude Kellogg's collection 'Christmas Entertainments'. The poem li...
There Was a Cherry Tree is a poem by James Whitcomb Riley, published in 1883. It is a nostalgic look back at childhood, specifically a memory of a che...
A heartwarming folk tale about the origins of the Christmas tree, blending pagan and Christian traditions to convey the message of hope, renewal, and...
Das Buch erzählt die Geschichte einer Familie, die in einem grünen Haus mit Garten lebt. Die Mutter erzählt ihren Kindern Geschichten, die sie unter e...
This book delves into the natural history of chocolate, focusing on the cocoa tree, its cultivation, and the preparation of its fruit. It examines the...
Happy Jack, a mischievous gray squirrel, finds himself in a predicament after dropping a nut. His actions lead him to a tense encounter with Chatterer...
“Woodman, Spare That Tree!” is a poem written by George Pope Morris and later set to music by Henry Russell. This piece of literature is a sentimental...
'Walnut Growing in Oregon' by Jacob Calvin Cooper is a practical guide to the cultivation of walnuts in Oregon. Published in the early 20th century, i...
The Heart of the Tree is a collection of poems by Henry Cuyler Bunner that explore the themes of nature, love, and the cyclical nature of life and dea...