It is a thrilling adventure novel for those who love action and excitement. This classic book was first published in November 1963 and has since becom...
"In the depths of time, a continent pulsates with the beating heart of its first inhabitants. Unravel the captivating tale of 'The Red Man's Continent...
"The subject of our policy on the North-West frontier of India is one of great importance, as affecting the general welfare of our Eastern Empire, and...
This book explores the lives and accomplishments of prominent Native American leaders and chiefs. The author, Charles Alexander Eastman, who himself w...
The Book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, and the second book of the Torah. It continues the story of the Israelites after their dep...
This book is a collection of myths and legends from the various tribes of Alaska, including the Eskimo, Tlingit, Tsetsaut, and Haida. The stories in t...
This early twentieth century travel book provides a comprehensive overview of Alaska, exploring its major cities, indigenous tribes, customs, and geog...
Cuentos del continente oscuro es una colección de historias de aventuras ambientadas en África y Asia, que siguen las aventuras de dos caballeros ingl...