An innocent American violinist, Harmony Wells, travels to Vienna to pursue her musical dreams. She meets Peter Byrne, an American doctor also chasing...
In Franz Grillparzer's novella, *Der arme Spielmann*, a nameless old violinist becomes a symbol of lost potential and the harsh realities of life. The...
In 1920s Vienna, "Stadt ohne Juden" imagines a world where all Jews have been forced to leave Austria. Initially celebrated, the absence of Jewish peo...
This book is a biographical study of Joseph Haydn, one of the most influential composers of the Classical era. It examines his life and work in detail...
Otfried Krzyzanowski's *Unser täglich Gift* is a collection of poems that reflects the harsh realities of life in Vienna during the early 20th century...
Das Buch 'Tagebuch eines halbwüchsigen Mädchens' erzählt die Geschichte von Grete Lainer, einem jungen Mädchen aus gutem Hause in Wien, das zwischen d...
Traumnovelle, a novella by Arthur Schnitzler, delves into the complexities of a seemingly harmonious marriage in early 20th-century Vienna. The story...
Fräulein Else is a psychological novel that explores the complex moral and social pressures faced by a young woman in 19th-century Vienna. Else, the d...