*My Doggie and I* is a charming and heartwarming tale about the power of friendship and the unexpected connections that can bring people together. The...
Just Sweethearts is a classic Christmas love story set in turn-of-the-20th-century New Orleans. The story follows King, a young man from a wealthy fam...
Pierre Glendinning is a young man from a wealthy family who is engaged to be married to Lucy Tartan. However, when he meets Isabel Banford, a mysterio...
Set in 17th century France, 'L'Orme' follows the adventures of young Louis, heir to the Count of Bigorre, after an encounter with the vindictive Marqu...
Laura is a young woman who is torn between her love for two men: Alexis, a young German mineralogist who is madly in love with her, and Walter, an art...
This thought-provoking novel explores the complexities of love, friendship, and cultural differences as a young woman navigates a world where societal...
Fiander's Widow is a rural romance set in Dorset. The story follows a 58-year-old farmer who marries the beautiful young granddaughter of a recently d...
When Dinah is invited on a skiing trip with her wealthy neighbors, she experiences a taste of freedom that she has never had before. She meets three s...
Sir Richard, a wealthy baronet, has arranged for his daughter Valeria to marry a Navy Captain. However, Valeria's heart belongs to young Ensign Lovely...