Books by Herodotus

Libro I de la Historia de Heródoto
Herodotus's Histories is the first work of Greek historiography that has come down to us in its entirety. It is divided into nine books, each of which is dedicated to a muse. In the proem, Herodotus expounds his intention: to prevent the deeds of the...

Libro II de la Historia de Heródoto
This book is the second volume of Herodotus' Histories, a seminal work of Greek historiography. Written in the 5th century BCE, the Histories provide a detailed account of the Greco-Persian Wars and offer valuable insights into the cultures, customs,...

Libro IV de la Historia de Heródoto
The fourth book of Herodotus's Histories chronicles two Persian expeditions against the Scythians and Libya. The book provides valuable insights into ancient Persian and Scythian culture, military tactics, and the political landscape of the time.

Libro V de la Historia de Heródoto
This book, the fifth volume of Herodotus' *Histories*, focuses on key events in the early 5th century BC, particularly the growing tensions between the Greeks and the Persian Empire. The text details the customs of the Thracians, Alexander I's retali...

Libro VI de la Historia de Heródoto
Libro VI de la Historia de Heródoto, también conocido como 'Las Guerras Médicas', narra la historia de la rebelión jonia contra el Imperio Persa y su brutal represión. El libro sigue las intrigas del tirano de Mileto, Histieo, quien intenta incitar a...

Libro VII de la Historia de Heródoto
The seventh book of Herodotus's Histories describes the Persian invasion of Greece led by Xerxes I in 480 BC. The book begins with the death of Darius I, Xerxes's father, and the preparations for the invasion. Xerxes assembles a massive army and navy...

Libro VIII de la Historia de Heródoto
The book is about the Persian Wars, a series of conflicts between the Persian Empire and the Greek city-states. It covers the events leading up to the Battle of Salamis, one of the most important battles in ancient history. The book provides a detail...

Libro IX de la Historia de Heródoto
El libro noveno y último de las Historias de Heródoto, titulado "La Musa Calíope", narra la culminación de las Guerras Médicas entre griegos y persas. Esta sección se centra en la decisiva Batalla de Platea y la Batalla de Mícale, eventos que marcar...