Theodor Storm
Hans Theodor Woldsen Storm commonly known as Theodor Storm, was a German writer. He is considered to be one of the most important figures of German realism.
Storm was one of the most important authors of 19th-century German Literary realism. He wrote a number of stories, poems and novellas. His two best-known works are the novellas Immensee (1849) and Der Schimmelreiter ("The Rider on the White Horse"), first published in April 1888 in the Deutsche Rundschau. Other published works include a volume of his poems (1852), the novella Pole Poppenspäler (1874) and the novella Aquis submersus (1877).
Storm was born in the small town of Husum, on the west coast of Schleswig, then a formally independent duchy ruled by the king of Denmark. His parents were the lawyer Johann Casimir Storm (1790–1874) and Lucie Storm, née Woldsen (1797–1879).
Storm attended school in Husum and Lübeck and studied law in Kiel and Berlin. While still a law student in Kiel he published a first volume of verse together with the brothers Tycho and Theodor Mommsen (1843).
Storm was involved in the 1848 revolutions and sympathized with the liberal goals of a united Germany under a constitutional monarchy in which every class could participate in the political process. From 1843 until his admission was revoked by Danish authorities in 1852, he worked as a lawyer in his home town of Husum. In 1853 Storm moved to Potsdam, moving on to Heiligenstadt in Thuringia in 1856. He returned to Husum in 1865 after Schleswig had come under Prussian rule and became a district magistrate ("Landvogt"). In 1880 Storm moved to Hademarschen, where he spent the last years of his life writing, and died of cancer at the age of 70.
Storm was married twice, first to Konstanze Esmarch, who died in 1864, and then to Dorothea Jensen.
Books by Theodor Storm

Der Schimmelreiter
Der Schimmelreiter ist eine Novelle von Theodor Storm aus der Literaturepoche des Realismus. Das im April 1888 veröffentlichte Werk ist Storms bekannteste Erzählung und zählt zu seinem Spätwerk. Die Novelle, in deren Zentrum der fiktive Deichgraf Hau...

The Rider on the White Horse
The Rider on the White Horse is a novella by German writer Theodor Storm. It is his last complete work, first published in 1888, the year of his death. The novella is Storm's best remembered and most widely read work, and considered by many to be his...

Kleine Häwelmann
Das berühmte Märchen von Theodor Storm erzählt von einem kleinen Jungen, der Häwelmann hieß. Häwelmann schlief in einem Bett mit Rollen, “wenn er aber nicht müde war, so musste seine Mutter ihn darin in der Stube umherfahren”. - In der Nacht von der...

In einer Nordseegemeinde taucht vor drohenden Sturmfluten und Deichbrüchen eine gespenstische Gestalt auf dem Deich auf. Der Geist reitet auf seinem Schimmel lautlos in die Fluten um dort unterzugehen. Das gesamte Dorf kennt dieses Zeichen seit über...

Bulemanns Haus
Nach dem Tod seines Vaters kehrt Herr Bulemann nach in Übersee verbrachten Jahren in seine Heimatstadt zurück und zieht in das Haus seines Vaters. Seine Frau und seine Kinder hat er auf der Überfahrt an Sklavenhändler verkauft – so erzählt man sich....

Spiegel des Cyprianus
Eine traurige Geschichte über böse und gute Stiefmütter und einen magischen Spiegel. (Summary by Hokuspokus)

Zwei Märchen
Two classic fairy tales by Theodor Storm, a renowned German writer of the 19th century. The first tale, 'Die Regentrude,' tells the story of a young boy and girl who set out on a quest to find the sleeping Rain Fairy and bring rain to their drought-s...

Aquis submersus
Theodor Storm's "Aquis Submersus" delves into the enigma of a deceased boy's portrait, intertwined with the diary entries of the 17th-century painter, Johannes. The narrator, guided by these artifacts, unravels the secrets of a poignant love story, c...

Pole Poppenspäler
Pole Poppenspäler is a novel by Theodor Storm that tells the story of the childhood friendship and later love between Paul Paulsen, the son of a respected citizen of a small North German town, and Lisei, the daughter of the traveling puppeteer Joseph...