Book Cover of The Armenian Crisis in Turkey

The Armenian Crisis in Turkey

by Frederick Davis Greene

Frederick Greene shows in this book that the case of the subject races in the Ottoman Empire is desperate, that there is no hope of reform from within, and that relief vimust therefore come through the interference of the powers of Europe. Their action depends largely on the support of the public. “Public opinion,” therefore, “must be brought to bear upon this case,” as Mr. Gladstone said in the House of Commons six years ago. Since then there has been added a new chapter of horrors, and the demand for decisive action in the name of our common humanity has become more urgent. The facts furnished by this book ought to arouse such public opinion as will justify and compel prompt and efficient action on the part of the Powers. The United States need not depart from its long-established foreign policy, but is bound to protect its own honor and the lives and property of its citizens.

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