Cathedral Courtship tells the story of a charming American girl traveling through England with her aristocratic aunt. Along the way, she encounters a...
Tom of the Raiders follows the journey of a young man named Tom who enlists in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He becomes involved in th...
The Motor Boat Boys, a group of teenage friends, embark on a thrilling river chase in this classic adventure tale. When a valuable artifact disappears...
In "Million-Dollar Suitcase", Jerry Boyne, a private detective, finds himself on the trail of a bank teller who has absconded with nearly a million do...
Venus y Adonis es un largo poema narrativo escrito por William Shakespeare en el siglo XVI. La historia se basa en el mito clásico de la diosa romana...
Jane Strong, a single woman living in an apartment complex, finds herself entangled in a dangerous mystery. She witnesses a man being chased by anothe...
In April 1862, during the American Civil War, 22 Union spies embarked on a daring mission to sabotage the Western and Atlantic Railroad, a vital suppl...