Humphry Clinker follows a group of characters as they journey through 18th-century England, encountering a colorful cast of personalities and experien...
This autobiography by Moncure Daniel Conway, an American abolitionist, Unitarian, clergyman, and author, covers his early life through the end of the...
In 'Hushed Up!', a young man named Owen Biddulph becomes entangled in a web of mystery and danger when he meets a captivating young woman with a shado...
Robert Jones Burdette was an American humorist and clergyman who became noted through his paragraphs in the Burlington (Iowa) Hawkeye. A collection of...
Klaasje Zevenster is a classic Dutch novel that follows the life of a foundling girl named Klaasje. The story begins in Leiden, Netherlands, in the 18...
This collection of short stories by William Henry Harrison Murray explores the beauty and adventure of the outdoors, particularly in the Adirondack Mo...