It is a captivating detective story. This book follows the famous detective duo, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson, as they investigate the case of...
In the whimsical world of Molière's "Love is the Best Doctor," passion proves mightier than medicine, as hilarious mishaps and amorous entanglements t...
Meet Sam Marlowe, an amiable, yet somewhat hapless, young man hopelessly smitten with the charming but elusive heiress, Miss Molly McEachern. Determin...
In a time of myth and legend, a young Phoenician sailor embarks on a journey that will take him to the far corners of the world and beyond.
The Wonde...
What happens when a clever crow meets his match in a cunning fox?
The Tale of Old Mr. Crow is a classic children's story about a wise old crow who is...
Imagine a world where a cunning servant can outsmart his masters and get away with it. A world where disguises, lies, and schemes are all fair game. A...
This volume in the series, Sleepy-Time Tales, follows the adventures of Master Meadow Mouse as he moves his home to various (safer) places, and tells...
The Magic World is a collection of twelve short stories by E. Nesbit, known for their blend of whimsical fantasy and sharp humor. Each story features...
In this captivating mystery short story, a seemingly impenetrable vault within Mr. Stoughton's business concern becomes the target of a cunning heist....
This collection of nine short stories features the infamous gentleman thief Arsène Lupin, known for his cunning and daring escapades. The stories del...
This book is a collection of humorous stories about animals, particularly a goat named Jagg and a creature named Little Upsidaisi, who exhibit unusual...
The Infallible Godahl is a collection of short stories featuring the titular character, a charismatic and clever gentleman thief. Godahl, akin to Raf...
Little Jack Rabbit is a small, friendly rabbit who lives in the forest. Danny Fox is a sly, cunning fox who is always trying to trick Jack Rabbit. In...
Tinkle, the Trick Pony is a charming children's story about a clever pony who finds himself in trouble before being taken into the circus. This book f...