Red Nails is the final Conan story written by Robert E. Howard. It follows Conan's pursuit of the alluring and dangerous pirate Valeria after she kill...
In a forsaken island of Xapur, Conan the Cimmerian finds himself pitted against Khosatral Khel, a malevolent entity of immense strength awakened from...
In "People of the Black Circle," Conan the Cimmerian finds himself entangled in a complex web of political intrigue and mystical threats. He is thrust...
In this epic tale, Conan, the legendary barbarian, crosses paths with Belit, a fierce and alluring pirate queen. Their shared thirst for adventure and...
In the exotic city of Zamboula, Conan, the famed barbarian, finds himself embroiled in a sinister mystery. A city plagued by cannibalistic slaves, a...
In "Beyond the Black River," Conan the Barbarian is thrust into a conflict between a civilized nation and the fierce Picts, a primitive tribe rooted i...