This volume of "Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories" showcases a captivating collection of short stories penned by English and S...
This volume compiles a collection of captivating mystery and detective short stories originating from the East. The stories showcase diverse cultural...
A group of schoolgirls form a club dedicated to spreading sunshine, but their true calling lies in solving mysteries. As they embark on their first c...
In 'Last Stroke,' the peaceful world of a school is shattered when Mr. Brierly, the esteemed schoolmaster, vanishes without a trace. His under-teacher...
The novel "Zwierciadlana Zagadka" follows the story of Cezary, a impoverished man who claims to be working on a revolutionary invention. The narrativ...
In the midst of a devastating war that threatens to annihilate humanity, Kurt Zen, an American intelligence officer, encounters the enigmatic "new peo...
In Baroness Orczy's 'Unravelled Knots,' the enigmatic Old Man in the Corner returns to the familiar setting of the ABC Tea Shop. Polly, a regular patr...
Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes es una colección de doce relatos que siguen al brillante detective consultor Sherlock Holmes y a su fiel amigo y cron...
In 'Shall We Join the Ladies?', a captivating one-act play by J. M. Barrie, a group of guests find themselves embroiled in a mysterious dinner party a...