“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” tells the story of Ichabod Crane, sent to investigate the mystery of the headless horseman. The story is set in 1790 in...
The Headless Horseman is a novel by Mayne Reid, first published in monthly serialized form during 1865 and 1866, and subsequently published as a book...
Back in the day before automobiles, a good horse trainer and veterinarian was the equivalent of “Mr Goodwrench”. A badly behaving or unhealthy equine...
Fans of the old radio shows and the TV series The Lone Ranger will recognize the characters in this book - the Lone Ranger, his faithful Indian sideki...
In John's revelation, the first horseman rides on a white horse, carries a bow, and is given a crown – he rides forward as a figure of Conquest, perha...
In A Son of the Gods, Bierce masterfully weaves a tale of supernatural encounters and philosophical musings. A young soldier, lost and alone in the mi...
Minnas neuer Reitknecht Michael kennt weder seine Mutter noch seinen Vater. Sie ist fasziniert von dem Mann, der versucht, das Beste aus seiner Situat...