Charles K Spencer is a wealthy young American mining engineer traveling in London when he overhears a conversation that leads him to play 'fairy godfa...
Set during World War I, "Pawns Count" by E. Phillips Oppenheim plunges into a world of international espionage and deadly intrigue. A brilliant chemis...
In this suspenseful novel, a man named Manton finds himself embroiled in a dangerous world of espionage and deception. Thrust into a web of secret ope...
Set during the late 19th century Boer Wars, "Cabinet Secret" follows the exploits of a cunning British secret agent operating in South Africa. Amidst...
In Richard Harding Davis's "Spy," Mr. Crosby, a high-ranking official known for his secret government missions, finds himself unexpectedly in Valencia...
Ravensdene Court, a secluded estate on the rugged Northumbrian coast, becomes the stage for a captivating mystery. Leonard Middlebrook, a young attor...
In the heart-pounding novel "Three Hostages," readers are thrust into a world of intrigue and danger alongside the legendary Richard Hannay. This capt...