This is a cute story of a mysterious feline annoyance and the result of a man acting upon his annoyance. The cat begins a vicious spiral of events tha...
In Anna Katharine Green's 'The Mayor's Wife,' Miss Saunders embarks on a journey filled with secrets and veiled truths. She becomes the companion to...
Oliver Goldsmith's *The Good-Natured Man* is a play that satirizes the follies of 18th-century English society. The story centers around Sir William H...
Electra is a Spanish drama that explores the life of a young woman named Electra, whose past is shrouded in mystery. Raised in a convent, Electra is a...
The Man Who Found the Truth is a psychological drama that delves into the complexities of guilt, truth, and the human psyche. It explores the story of...
A tenacious judge investigates the mysterious death of an American billionaire and his family while on vacation in Paris. Nounlegos, a solitary scien...