The Web of the Golden Spider follows Wilson, a young man caught in a web of intrigue and adventure. In a land on the brink of revolution, he navigates...
Set in the Edwardian era, 'Somehow Good' follows a mysterious man who loses his memory in a freak accident on the London Underground. He is found by S...
Imado Shinjū, by Ryūrō Hirotsu, is a poignant tale set in the Yoshiwara district of Edo-era Japan, a place known for its legal prostitution. The story...
Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, "Blockade Runners" follows the daring exploits of Captain James Playfair as he navigates treachero...
In 'Long Run' by Edith Wharton, a wealthy bachelor businessman, now in his later years, reflects on a passionate but ultimately thwarted romance from...
A gripping tale of love, loss, and the secrets that can tear a family apart. When Sibyl learns that her long-lost love is alive after all, she must co...
The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard follows the titular character, a respected historian, as he embarks on a quest to find a rare manuscript: a French vers...