This is a timeless classic expressing the universal message that every aspect of life should be looked at in a positive way. It follows the actions of...
Set in 19th century New York, this is the story of a wealthy old man who adopts his orphaned nephew and niece after his own four year old son mysterio...
This is a wonderful story about a penniless American man who accidently meets his double in a crowded Hotel lounge. His lookalike "liquors him up" and...
In this story, Nick is called to visit his banker friend, Mr. Gilsley, who is concerned about some missing money. Also present at the meeting is Bell...
Enter the enchanted world of Manx Fairy Tales, where magic and wonder await.
Sophia Morrison's classic collection of Manx fairy tales is a timeless t...
No matter how enlightened, chances are you've been raised around superstitious lore of one kind or another. Fanny Dickerson Bergen was one of the orig...
A Man of Means is a collection of six short stories written in collaboration by P. G. Wodehouse and C. H. Bovill. The stories all star Roland Bleke, a...
Pat Travis, a spacer renowned for his luck, is suddenly quite out of it. His job is to beat his competitors to sign newly-Contacted human races to com...
This volume of *The Black Cat*, a popular literary magazine of the late 19th century, presents a collection of eight original short stories exploring...
Rufus and Rose, or The Fortunes of Rough and Ready follows the journey of Rufus, an older brother who flees an abusive stepfather to protect his young...
The Tale of Paddy Muskrat is a delightful children's story set in the charming Pleasant Valley. It follows the adventures of Paddy, a lazy muskrat who...