This book delves into the tumultuous period of English history spanning from 1135 to 1327, an era characterized by power struggles between the monarch...
This book tells the story of two of England's greatest cathedrals, Canterbury Cathedral and Saint Paul's Cathedral, and relates them to the history of...
This book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of England during the Middle Ages, spanning the period from the Norman Conquest in 1066 to the...
Eva March Tappan's "World's Story Volume IX: England" delves into the early history of England, spanning from the dawn of time to the era of the Tudor...
Forest Days is a historical romance novel set in 13th-century England during the reign of King Henry III. The story follows the adventures of Robin Ho...
This book is the first volume in a three-volume history of England. It covers the period from the earliest times to the reign of Queen Victoria. The b...
William Langland's *Vision of Piers the Plowman* is a profound and influential poem written in Middle English during the 14th century. It offers a vi...
Centuries Apart follows a group of Union soldiers from the American Civil War who are transported to a medieval England in the heart of Antarctica. Th...
A Dream of John Ball is a historical novel by William Morris, first published in 1888. It is set in England during the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 and te...