Gyp, the daughter of an ex-Major and an ex-mistress, grows up in an isolated surrounding. When she is introduced to society, she meets Fiorsen, a Swed...
In 'Rat Race,' Lieutenant Commander Frank Jacklin, a naval officer, finds himself inexplicably inhabiting the body of Winnie Tompkins, a dissolute sto...
The Schoolmistress is a Victorian farce by Arthur Wing Pinero, written in 1886. The play centers on Miss Caroline Dyott, the principal of a girls' sc...
This novel transports readers to the tumultuous era of the Hundred Years' War, focusing on the life of Agnes Sorel, the influential mistress of the Ki...
Richard Steele's 'The Tender Husband' is a Restoration comedy that revolves around the comedic misadventures of a group of characters navigating the i...
An amusing and lighthearted story of Susan, a maid who receives an unexpected marriage proposal from a mysterious Lord Ruddington. Her mistress, Gertr...
Mercator is a Roman comedy by Titus Maccius Plautus, set in Athens. It follows the humorous and chaotic consequences of misunderstandings and secrets....