One of the earliest polished examples of existential literature, Notes from the Underground follows the life of a recluse and depicts his antagonistic...
Metaphysical discipline that attempted to determine the nature of the human soul by a priori reasoning. This is a recording of the 1849 translation of...
The great civil liberties we enjoy today, like Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press, have their foundation in Freedom of Thought. Without being...
This is a captivating philosophical work that examines the relationship between religion and the natural world. Penned by the esteemed English Anglica...
In a rapidly changing world where science and reason reign supreme, is there still a place for religion? Julian S. Huxley's "Religion Without Revelat...
"It so happened that the circumstances of fate allowed me to follow my own bent in the choice of a profession. From my earliest youth the weird, the m...
Sara Burgerhart is een jong meisje dat correspondeert met haar vriendinnen, aanbidders en familie. Die mensen schrijven elkaar ook allemaal. Het boek...
Ormond is a coming-of-age novel that follows the development of the young Harry Ormond as he approaches adulthood. Influenced by the books he reads an...
A Vindication of the Rights of Men is a political treatise written by Mary Wollstonecraft in response to Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution...