In the untamed Californian desert, Erema, a young woman, and her father face a perilous journey, desperate to find a landmark that leads to safety. Af...
In this captivating tale set in the 1800s, 14-year-old Joe Gaston's life is turned upside down when he is unjustly accused of horse theft by his own f...
The Bobbsey Twins, fresh from their houseboat escapade, journey to Meadow Brook Farm to visit their cousins. However, their visit is immediately disru...
In this witty and entertaining tale, Freddie Threepwood and his uncle find themselves in a predicament. Freddie seeks funds to start a bookmaking busi...
Rufus and Rose, or The Fortunes of Rough and Ready follows the journey of Rufus, an older brother who flees an abusive stepfather to protect his young...
Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn sigue a Huck, un joven que huye de su padre abusivo y se embarca en una peligrosa aventura por el río Mississippi. D...