The Drums of Jeopardy is a 1920 American novel by Harold MacGrath. The story was serialized by the The Saturday Evening Post beginning in January of 1...
Although written from a child's perspective, this is not a kids book but a series of funny, poignant, and sometimes disturbing stories about life in a...
This book presents a diverse selection of Russian poems from the past century, translated into English. The editors focused on choosing poems for the...
The Humpbacked Horse is a classic Russian fairy tale that follows the adventures of Ivan, a peasant's son, and his magical horse, the Humpbacked Horse...
This book is a Hebrew novel by Judah Leib Gordon published in 1868 and set in a shtetl, a small Jewish village in Eastern Europe, where life was full...
«Раковина» является центральным сборником стихов Георгия Шенгели, демонстрирующим его высокое мастерство и эрудицию. В середине 1930-х годов он практи...
«Вехи» — сборник философских эссе, написанных группой русских интеллектуалов в 1909 году. Авторы анализируют своё участие в революции 1905 года и кри...
This collection presents Ada Negri's poem "Hast Thou Been Working?" in multiple translations. The poem, originally written in Italian, explores the sp...
This collection presents a novella and three short stories by Evgeny Chirikov, a prominent Russian writer of the pre-revolutionary era. Chirikov's wri...
This comprehensive history chronicles the experiences of Jewish people in the Americas, spanning from the earliest exploration days to the 20th centur...
This book is a collection of Russian folk tales that were compiled by Alexander Nikolayevich Afanasyev. The tales reflect the teachings, fears, and va...
“El Sitio de Sebastopol” de León Tolstói es una colección de tres relatos que documentan las experiencias del autor durante el asedio de Sebastopol en...