In "Teeth of the Tiger," Maurice Leblanc weaves a thrilling tale of espionage and adventure set amidst the backdrop of World War I. The enigmatic Arse...
In 'Mr. Standfast', Richard Hannay, a seasoned spy, is called back from the Western Front to tackle a new espionage mission. Forced to adopt the guise...
In the midst of World War I, Michael Lanyard, the infamous gentleman-thief known as the Lone Wolf, is drawn back into a life of intrigue and danger. A...
Ashton-Kirk is a secret agent who works for the United States government. He has a unique set of skills that make him invaluable to the government. He...
In "Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel", the final chapter of the beloved series, the Scarlet Pimpernel faces his ultimate challenge against his nemesis...
Set during the late 19th century Boer Wars, "Cabinet Secret" follows the exploits of a cunning British secret agent operating in South Africa. Amidst...
In "Vanished Messenger", E. Phillips Oppenheim weaves a suspenseful tale of international intrigue and espionage. As tensions rise between European po...
Set in early 20th-century London, *The Secret Agent* by Joseph Conrad follows Adolf Verloc, a seemingly ordinary shopkeeper and a secret agent for a f...
Set against the backdrop of World War I, "Somewhere in France" tells the story of Marie Gessler, a German woman posing as a Frenchwoman to infiltrate...