This poignant and melancholic poem explores the themes of love, loss, grief, and the enduring power of memory. The speaker laments the separation from...
A Parting Guest is a poem by James Whitcomb Riley, known for its heartwarming depiction of rural life in Indiana. It tells the story of a visitor's de...
Fifty Cents is a sentimental poem about a little boy who sees a street urchin begging for money. The boy is poor himself, but he gives the urchin his...
Set in the fictional 19th-century village of Beckside, 'Clog Shop Chronicles' offers a glimpse into the lives of a close-knit Methodist community. The...
A Ruined Reversolet is a collection of poems by C. J. Dennis, known for his work in Australian vernacular. The poems touch upon themes of everyday lif...
''Scrawl'' is a collection of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, known as the "Hoosier Poet." The poems, written in a distinctive dialect reflecting the s...
In The Dark by James Whitcomb Riley is a collection of poetry, characteristic of Riley's style, showcasing his ability to capture the everyday experie...
This collection of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, known as the "Hoosier Poet," showcases his signature style. The verses are filled with a blend of hu...
The Songs of a Sentimental Bloke chronicles the journey of Bill, a working-class young man in early 20th-century Melbourne, Australia. Bill, initially...
This book is a collection of poems by James Whitcomb Riley, known for his use of dialect and his portrayal of everyday life in the American Midwest. T...
“Bill & Doreen Get Hitched” is a collection of poems that continues the story of Bill, a working-class Australian man, and his relationship with Doree...
Challenge is the first collection of poems by Louis Untermeyer, a poet who is known for introducing many students to poetry through his many collectio...
The book follows the life of Benno Stehkragen, a seemingly ordinary individual navigating the complexities of everyday existence. It captures the bitt...
This collection of poems by Violet Fane, pseudonym of Lady Mary Montgomerie Currie, explores a range of emotions, feelings, and experiences. The poems...
Looking Back is a collection of poetry by John Hartley, a writer known for his work in the Yorkshire dialect. Hartley's poems often explore themes of...
This charming collection of poems by Edgar A. Guest evokes the joys, challenges, and timeless moments of childhood. Through vivid imagery and heartwar...