Julia Cloud, affectionately nicknamed 'Cloudy Jewel,' has devoted her life to caring for her family. She raised her siblings after their father's dea...
In a quaint English village nestled in the heart of the 19th century, the tranquil life of a solitary spinster is thrown into disarray with the unexpe...
Shadow of Victory explores the societal pressures and expectations placed upon women in early 20th century America, particularly regarding marriage an...
The 'Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry' follows the escapades of Letitia and her two friends, Aggie and Lizzie, as they navigate a world filled w...
Miss Philura is a mild-mannered spinster living in a small American town. After attending a lecture that inspires her to embrace the power of positive...
The Old Ladies is a Gothic novel centered on a timid elderly spinster who becomes the target of a predatory widow. The story unfolds in a creaky, iso...
This volume of *The Black Cat* magazine features five original short stories exploring themes of the uncanny and fantastical. The tales range from rev...
Lolly Willowes, a middle-aged unmarried woman, finds herself stifled by her controlling family and the expectations of Victorian society. Seeking free...