This is the story of seven incorrigible children living near Sydney in the 1880’s with their military-man father, and a stepmother who is scarcely old...
This novel tells the story of Maia Lisa, a young woman who is tormented by her wicked stepmother. Despite the abuse she endures, Maia Lisa remains str...
In this heartwarming installment of the Elsie Dinsmore series, Elsie's daughter, Violet, marries a naval captain with three children of his own. The s...
Heart and Science is a Victorian novel that explores themes of love, family, and social conventions, set against the backdrop of 19th-century medical...
In 'Miss Santa Claus of the Pullman', two children, separated from their father, embark on a Christmas Eve journey to reunite with him and his new wif...
In "There and Back," George MacDonald weaves a tale of a young heir, stolen away from his indifferent father and cruel stepmother. This captivating st...