The Stillwater Tragedy is a story set in a peaceful New England town that is disrupted by a murder and a subsequent labor strike. The novel delves int...
The Harbor tells the story of Billy, a young man growing up on the bustling Brooklyn waterfront. He dreams of escaping the world of shipping, his fat...
Calumet "K" follows the story of a young man navigating the complex world of Chicago's grain industry. He faces intense rivalries, labor disputes, and...
In Charles Monroe Sheldon's novel, "His Brother's Keeper," Stuart Duncan returns home from college to a community facing a brewing labor strike at his...
Germinal is a novel by Émile Zola, the thirteenth installment of his twenty-volume series Les Rougon-Macquart, a naturalistic chronicle of the lives o...
The Friendly Road is a memoir written in the early 20th century, narrated as a fictionalized account of a man named David Grayson (a pseudonym for aut...