Paralyzed in an accident while a baby, young Prince Dolor is imprisoned in a lonely tower by his usurping uncle. He is visited by his mysterious godmo...
In "In the Old Church Tower," Thomas Bailey Aldrich takes the reader on a nostalgic journey through a small town's history, using the symbolic presenc...
Tower of Dago is a captivating tale of betrayal and revenge. Feodor von Ungern, a man consumed by bitterness after being betrayed by his brother Zeno,...
In Marion Zimmer Bradley's "Falcons of Narabedla," Mike Kenscott finds himself inexplicably transported to a strange and magical world. He becomes Ad...
In the tranquil town of Cullerne, young architect Westray arrives to oversee repairs on the minster's tower. He finds lodgings with a genteel woman f...
The Bride of Triermain is a narrative poem by Sir Walter Scott, set in the mythical realm of Cumberland. The tale revolves around a knight's quest to...