In the Bishop's Carriage is a gripping tale of a young woman's journey from the depths of despair to a life of unexpected adventure. Nancy 'Nance' Old...
Cousin's Conspiracy follows the journey of Ernest Ray, a young boy who sets out to right a wrong. His father was cheated out of his rightful inheritan...
In a small town gripped by fear and corruption, Detective Sergeant Fitzgerald is the only hope for justice. As he investigates the growing power of ru...
AdventureFictionHumourFairy TaleChildren's Literature
Twinkleheels, a spirited and determined pony, is smaller than most horses, but he has a big heart and a burning desire to prove himself. When he arriv...
This book tells the story of young Frank Morris, who inherits his father's newspaper, the Green River Argus, after his father's unexpected death. Fra...