The Fairy Ring, originally published in 1910, is a collection of 63 fairy tales from around the globe. It includes such well-known favorites as "Histo...
The Lancashire Witches is a highly fictionalised account of the activities of the notorious witches Demdike, Chattox and Alice Nutter who, together wi...
The Pink Fairy Book is a collection of 37 classic fairy tales from around the world, compiled by Andrew Lang. The stories in this book are full of mag...
This book is a collection of seven audio recordings of the Witches' Brew scene from Act IV Scene I of Shakespeare's Macbeth. It features different int...
Witches of New York is a humorous account of visits to various fortune tellers, card readers, seers, and other "witches" of New York. The author, Q.K....
Callista Blake is a young woman on trial for the murder of her former lover's wife. The circumstantial evidence against her is damning, but there are...
Living Alone is a charmingly weird novel that blends fantasy and the practicalities of life in wartime London during World War I. It tells the story o...
This book is a collection of some of the most beloved fairy tales of all time. It includes stories like "Cinderella," "Sleeping Beauty," and "Jack and...
Macbeth is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that explores the destructive consequences of ambition and unchecked power. Macbeth, a Scottish general, i...
This collection of fairy tales, compiled by Mrs. E. J. Bourhill and Mrs. J. B. Drake, brings together the oral traditions of the Swazi, Ndebele, and Z...
This enchanting collection of classic English fairy tales, compiled by Ernest Rhys, captures the timeless magic of beloved stories like 'Jack the Gian...
Ce recueil de nouvelles de Prosper Mérimée explore le monde du surnaturel et du fantastique. Les récits présentent des sorcières, des fantômes et des...