It is a captivating collection of supernatural tales that will transport young readers into a world of mystery and enchantment. Written by the renowne...
The Seventh Man is a classic Western novel that explores the themes of vengeance, redemption, and family. The story follows Dan Barry, a gentle and ca...
In the untamed wilderness of the Canadian barren lands, Constable Philip Raine of the Royal North-West Mounted Police embarks on a perilous pursuit of...
Follow the thrilling adventures of Roderick and his friends Wabi and Mukoki as they embark on a perilous hunt in the untamed North. Facing treacherous...
Kazan is a captivating tale that explores the complex relationship between humans and animals, particularly the bond between a man and his extraordina...
Sir Charles G. D. Roberts's "Hoof and Claw" is a collection of fourteen short stories that showcase the author's remarkable ability to bring the Canad...
Ernest Thompson Seton's *Wild Animals I Have Known* is a collection of short stories that offers a unique perspective on the lives of animals, particu...
In 'Captain Bayley's Heir,' young Frank, falsely accused of a crime, flees to America seeking adventure. Joining a wagon train bound for the Californi...
''Northern Trails, Book I'' is a collection of six stories about the wild animals and indigenous peoples of the northern wilderness. William J. Long,...
This book follows the story of Wagner, a poor shepherd in the Black Forest, who makes a pact with a supernatural entity to gain youth and wealth. Howe...
On the Yukon Trail is a children's adventure novel set in the rugged wilderness of Alaska. Curlie Carson and Joe Marion embark on a dogsled journey to...