It tells the story of a little lamb named Fuzzy who was born with a disability. Despite his limitations, Fuzzy is determined to live his life to the f...
It is a children's book that tells the story of Mrs. Quack, a duck who is trying to find a new home for her family. The book was first published in 19...
It is an enchanting and captivating book. This delightful tale takes readers on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, courage, and exciting...
It is an engaging book that takes young readers on a fascinating journey into the history and inhabitants of the royal menagerie at the Tower of Londo...
"Embark on a whimsical adventure where a jumping kangaroo and an apple butter cat come together in a delightful tale of friendship and mischief. Join...
Embark on a whimsical journey through the enchanting world of "Moo Cow Tales" by Rosamund Edith Nesbit Bland. This delightful collection of stories br...
In the enchanting pages of "History of My Pets" by Sara Jane Lippincott, also known as Grace Greenwood, embark on a captivating journey through the ex...
Step into the enigmatic world of "To and Again," where a journey beyond time and space awaits!
In this captivating novel by the master storyteller Wal...
In the breathtaking expanse of the Sierra Mountains, a captivating tale unfolds - "Fuzzy Wuzz - A Little Brown Bear of the Sierras" by Allen Chaffee....
In the enchanting world of Aria, where magic intertwines with steampunk technology, a relentless race known as "The Race of the Swift" holds the key t...
Embark on a captivating journey into a world where animals speak, wisdom flows like a river, and life's lessons are woven into enchanting tales. "Panc...
Embark on a whimsical bedtime adventure with "Uncle Wiggily's Airship: Bedtime Stories" by Howard R. Garis. In this enchanting collection, young reade...
"Azabache" es una obra maestra de la literatura que te llevará al mundo de un noble caballo negro y sus experiencias con diferentes dueños, algunos cr...
In the treacherous depths of the vast ocean, a legend lurks—a legend feared by sailors and pirates alike. "The Pirate Shark" by Harry Lincoln Sayler b...
Uncover the vibrant tapestry of Ikom, Southern Nigeria, through the mesmerizing tales woven within "Ikom Folk Stories." Delve into a world where oral...
Voici le troisième des douze livres des Fables de La Fontaine. Celles-ci datent du XVIIe siècle et ont été enregistrées par des lecteurs de divers hor...
300+ short stories of how smart and savvy various individual animals have been seen to be, and in most cases a little moral is drawn from the story. (...
Arthur Scott Bailey (1877 – 1949) was the author of more than forty children's books.
Bailey's writing has been described thusly by the Newark Evening...
PoetryHumourFairy TaleMythologyChildren's Literature
This collection of poems and songs, compiled by Joel Chandler Harris, brings to life the rich oral tradition of African American folklore in the Ameri...
This book, a collection of dog stories, celebrates the bond between humans and their canine companions. Terhune, a renowned collie breeder, delves in...
This collection of short stories focuses on the lives and experiences of cats, exploring their unique personalities and the bonds they form with human...
This collection of stories features foxes as central characters, drawing from global folklore and adapted for children. It offers a glimpse into vario...
This book is a collection of animal stories from various sources. Edited by Andrew Lang, the book features a wide range of stories about different ani...
Pussy Black-Face is a misadventurous and curious kitten who finds herself in a variety of comical situations as she explores her surroundings. Through...