The first book in Galsworthy’s trilogy, The Forsyte Saga, The Man of Property revolves around the lives of the Forsytes, a self-conceited and cold fam...
Inspired by Jane Eyre, Dinah Maria Craik's 1850 novel, Olive, was one of the first to feature a disabled central character. 'Slightly deformed' from b...
MR SCARBOROUGH, wealthy owner of Tretton Park in Staffordshire, is dying. His eldest son and heir Mountjoy has gambled away his inheritance to avarici...
"The origin of the domestic cat (Felis domestica) is a subject about which there has been much conjecture and scientific discussion, but without any p...
This is a fictionalized biography of the wife of the reformer Dr. Martin Luther. In the author's words, he hopes that "people may learn to know the wi...
The Knapp family seems as though they ought to be happy, yet hidden frustrations are tearing them apart under the surface. As the family breadwinner,...
The book is a study on the domestic service industry in the Seventh Ward of Philadelphia, focusing on the African American community. Eaton conducted...
a thrilling novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. This gripping tale takes readers on a suspenseful journey filled with mystery, intrigue...
Dive into the intricate tapestry of love, family, and societal expectations in "True Love: A Story of English Domestic Life" by Sarah Farro, where sec...
What if there was a book that could make you smile every day of the year?
The Cheery Way, a Bit of Verse for Every Day - April is a collection of hum...