Wieland; Or, The Transformation is a chilling novel that explores the themes of identity, family, and the supernatural within the context of pre-Revol...
Der Roman erforscht die psychologische und soziale Verwirrung eines Mannes, der seinem eigenen Doppelgänger begegnet. Der Protagonist, Goljadkin, ein...
In Katherine MacLean's "The Man Who Staked the Stars," a powerful mobster, under scrutiny for his illegal activities, confronts a startling internal c...
„Armadale“ ist ein fesselnder Kriminalroman, der um die Schicksale zweier Männer namens Allan Armadale kreist, die entfernte Cousins sind. Die Geschic...
Detective Inspector Richard Staines of Scotland Yard is confronted by a murder from his past, involving a doppelgänger and a mysterious thumbprint. Se...