This delightful novel begins when a family of five children moves from London to the English countryside. While playing in a gravel pit soon after the...
Adventures of a Brownie follows the life of a brownie who lives in a family's coal cellar and the adventures he gets into with the members of the hous...
A little boy, recuperating from a lengthy illness, is entertained by visits from the Counterpane Fairy, who treats him to stories associated with each...
In the tale of the Myrtle Maiden, a mystical being dwells within a myrtle tree, captivating a prince with her ethereal charm. The story explores theme...
The Magic World is a collection of twelve short stories by E. Nesbit, known for their blend of whimsical fantasy and sharp humor. Each story features...
This collection of poems, written in a simple and direct style, explores the world of childhood through the eyes of a young boy named Baby. MacDonald...
Alice Morrow, a young girl with a mischievous spirit, is called "the fairy of the snows" by her family and friends. Set in early 20th-century Cincinna...
This enchanting tale, penned in the mid-19th century, follows the journey of Violet, a young girl who finds herself drawn into a world of wonder and m...
This book presents a collection of fifteen enchanting stories written by Johnny Gruelle, renowned for creating Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy. These tal...
Queen Zixi of Ix, a novel by L. Frank Baum, follows the adventures of a magical cloak that grants a single wish to its wearer. The cloak, created by f...
This poem, 'Fairy Glee,' by Eugene Field, is a delightful exploration of the world of fairies and their playful nature. It paints a vivid picture of a...
This book is a collection of stories and poems about elves, faeries, and other magical creatures. It is perfect for children of all ages who love to r...
This enchanting collection of Irish fairy tales transports readers to a bygone era filled with mythical creatures, brave warriors, and magical landsca...
Rainbow Cat, a whimsical tale for young readers, follows the adventures of a uniquely colored cat living in Fairyland. With its violet nose, indigo e...
This play, written by W.S. Gilbert, explores themes of love, loss, and the healing power of understanding. Set on the Island of Broken Hearts, the pla...