It is a classic adventure novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey to Africa. Published in 1909, the book follows the story of a young man name...
It is a collection of essays by John Patterson Green, first published in 1920. The essays are all about the strange and unusual, and they explore topi...
Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse was an English comic writer who enjoyed enormous popular success for more than seventy years. Best known today for the...
Around the Moon, Jules Verne's sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is a science fiction novel continuing the trip to the moon which left the reader...
Arthur Scott Bailey (1877 – 1949) was author of more than forty children's books. Bailey's writing has been described thusly by the Newark Evening New...
Edith Nesbit, the author of Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare, felt passionately that young children should enjoy Shakespeare's great works. She set...
Jane and Elsie Melville were raised by their kindly but eccentric uncle, Mr Hogarth who believed that women were just as good as men, and thus gave hi...
A fictitious account of a "friend" of William Shakespeare, who accompanies him from his birth to his death and beyond, chronicling Shakespeare's life,...
Kurzes Historien Drama um die Schlacht bei Stellau 1201 zwischen Dänen und Holsteinern. Den roten Faden bittet die Liebe zu einer Sklavin, unversöhnli...
« Le pélerinage d'un nommé Chrétien » est un roman allégorique de John Bunyan, publié en 1678. L'auteur rédigea cet ouvrage en 1675, alors qu'il était...
Dit avonturenverhaal speelt zich af vlak voor het jaar 1300. Fulco, dienaar van de ridder Gijsbrecht van IJsselstein, heeft zijn bijnaam "De Minstreel...