This fifth installment in Galdós's *Episodios Nacionales* series continues the story of Gabriel de Araceli, a young man caught in the turmoil of Spain...
Through Russian Snows is a fictionalized account of Napoleon's disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia. Henty focuses on a young British officer who joins...
“Zaragoza” narra la épica defensa de la ciudad de Zaragoza contra el ejército francés durante la Guerra de la Independencia Española. Galdós, a través...
Set during the Spanish War of Independence against Napoleonic France, "Juan Martín el Empecinado" follows Gabriel de Araceli, a young officer who join...
Volume 3 of Leo Tolstoy's *War and Peace* continues to follow the lives of several Russian families during the tumultuous period of Napoleon's invasio...
This novel delves into the tumultuous period of the Peninsular War, focusing on the city of Cádiz which became a refuge for Spain during the French in...
War and Peace is an epic historical novel by Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1869. The novel depicts the French invasion of Russia in 1812 and follows...